Site overview


  • Sentiment blog
    Here you can find the most recent GMI value.  This is also where I share my thoughts with you.
    Visit this page regulary and you will learn as you go.  It is definitely worth your time. 

  • 30 % upside potential stocks
    The goal is to buy 30 % upside potential stocks when the Graham Mood Index or GMI is as low as possible , preferably below 25.

  • Intuitive trading
    The goal is to allow gut feelings or intuitive feelings in decision making.

  • Articles
    If you have a big interest and some time, you can read background information on the 'Article' page.

  • FAQ
    The answer to some questions.
  • Bio
    Some details about the website owner.

  • Fear and Greed Table
    This table gave an overview of 9 fear and greed indicators that I used to follow.  I don't update this table any longer.
    I think the best indicator to gauge Mr. Market's mood is the Graham Mood Index. 
    You can find the Graham Mood Index or Graham Sentiment Index at the Sentiment Blog page.